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Ambassadors & Advisors
Get authentic insights into the MBA experience from our network of student ambassadors. Have specific questions about a business school, MBA program, or life at your chosen study destination? Our ambassadors are here to share their real-life experiences and advice. Connect with them to gain valuable perspectives on academic life, campus culture, and the impact of an MBA on career trajectories. Let their stories guide your MBA journey
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Aitana Felgueroso
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business

Jingna Zhu
emlyon Business School

Setthawuth (Bank) Tangserisuk
University of Bath School of Management

Sheker Myradova
Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management

Jack Ge Zhao
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Sara Elfsson
Stockholm School of Economics

Gaëlle Andreatta
emba X

Robbert-Jan Wijman
Tomorrow University of Applied Sciences

Jairo Romero Calderon
Alliance Manchester Business School

Alexandre Tremblay
ESSEC Business School

Megha Gupta
UNC Kenan-Flagler

Anajela Esmaquel
University of Bath School of Management

Nora Harless
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Aishwarya Ganesh
ESSEC Business School

Leonardo Baccaro
Schulich School of Business

Ana Tajder
Webster Vienna Private University

Niranjan Veer
ESSEC Business School

Matt Harland
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Becky Coggins
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Pawarisa Surajaras
University of Bath School of Management

Basabdutta Bose
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Sergio Gomez
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Shan Vijay
University of California, Berkeley – Haas School of Business

Lindsay Strouse
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

Constanze Reichetzer
emba X

Tim Vollrath
University of St.Gallen

Sasha McNair
Emory University’s Goizueta Business School

Valentina Angelucci
ESSEC Business School

Sara Shafi
Stockholm School of Economics

Kartika Ayu Handayani
Erasmus University – Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)

Peter Löfgren
Stockholm School of Economics

Jayashree Sahni
emba X

Martin Apsel-von zur Gathen
emba X

Sam Hamilton
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Govinda Prasad
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Youmna Sirgi
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford