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Ambassadors & Advisors
Get authentic insights into the MBA experience from our network of student ambassadors. Have specific questions about a business school, MBA program, or life at your chosen study destination? Our ambassadors are here to share their real-life experiences and advice. Connect with them to gain valuable perspectives on academic life, campus culture, and the impact of an MBA on career trajectories. Let their stories guide your MBA journey
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Ha Nguyen
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Niaz Rayan
Alliance Manchester Business School

Anushka Mirchandani
London Business School

Kelvyn Nyamor
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Anant Parashar
ESMT Berlin

Audrey Aw
Cambridge Judge Business School

Adriel Ang
CUHK Business School

Maria Bergön
Stockholm School of Economics

Jayashree Sahni
emba X

Ariel Lai
HKU, The University of Hong Kong

Mounya Nettis
emlyon Business School

Brendan Hartman
TCU Neeley School of Business

Alisha Singh
Smith School of Business @ Queen’s University

Mia Yamashiro
ESSEC Business School

Pedro Souza
emlyon Business School

Parv Bansal
emlyon Business School

Saloni Chudasama
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Azra Samji
Schulich School of Business

Mike Thaler
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Eric Bakan Koffi
emlyon Business School

Emeli Dzakpasu
Schulich School of Business

Melissa Mesnick
Emory University’s Goizueta Business School

Setthawuth (Bank) Tangserisuk
University of Bath School of Management

Hector Paez
Vlerick Business School

Rodrigo Aviles
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Aslam Khadoroo
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Daniela Saravia
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Anna Roth-Gardlo
emba X

Peter Löfgren
Stockholm School of Economics

Giuliano Trinchera
University of St.Gallen

Norna Lee
CUHK Business School

Andrea Quintero
Schulich School of Business

Sean Yoong
London Business School

Esther Hoogerdijk
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)

Ginelle van Tartwijk
Erasmus University – Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)

Hillary Van Moorleghem
École des Ponts Business School