The appeal of the MBA with a specialization in marketing management

Studying marketing is a popular choice for MBA students as it is a dynamic field that relies on a wide range of skills, both qualitative and quantitative. In the MBA with a specialization in marketing management at Whitman School of Management, students take courses that include Marketing Analytics, Strategic Brand Management, and Environmental Influences on Innovation.

For Abhishek Nichat ’18, specializing in marketing was a natural fit considering his interest in the topic and previous real-world experience. “I did my internship back in the summer. It was with an ad agency based out of New York City,” he tells us. “When I came back, I decided to pursue my specialization in marketing because I really enjoyed working with digital marketers and the creative people at an ad agency, and that was something that I wanted to do in my career.” (03:52)

Coming from an analytical background, of all the marketing courses Abhishek’s favorite was Marketing Analytics. “I liked that course mainly because it sets the foundation for all marketing activities, and marketing research is really the core of all marketing efforts that businesses do,” he shares. (03:25)

Abhishek currently works as a Senior Marketing Manager at a San Francisco-based startup called Beyond Pricing. He is responsible for developing customer acquisition strategies using digital marketing platforms.

Key ingredients for a powerful MBA program

Beyond your specialization, the larger environment of an MBA program is also crucial. For a field like marketing, which is highly collaborative and relationship-oriented, it might be even more important. Fortunately, Abhishek found Whitman’s learning and student culture to be incredibly diverse, collaborative, and experiential.

A two-year, nationally-ranked, STEM-designated program, the Whitman full-time MBA program is all about systemic thinking, and going outside your comfort zone. By celebrating the diversity of thought, and building a supportive community, everyone can thrive, both at Whitman and beyond.

Experiential Learning at Whitman

“I believe the best way to learn anything is by experiencing it all, by doing it yourself, and what could be a better way to learn more about business and strategy than by actually helping businesses solve real-world problems?” Abhishek says. “[The] Whitman MBA offers experiential learning opportunities… It really helps students to learn new skills while working with real businesses on the campus.” (01:44)

This practical approach enables students to acquire new skills and apply them in real-world settings.

The Power of Collaboration

One of the key takeaways from the Whitman MBA program is the importance of collaboration. Students work with diverse teams, learning to navigate different backgrounds and interests in order to achieve success in business.

“I would say the top lesson from the Whitman MBA program has been the power of collaboration,” Abhishek states. “During my time at Whitman, I constantly worked with different teams, and those teams had people from different backgrounds who had different interests than I had. That experience really helped me to learn that in order for a business to be successful, one has to work with different individuals who have different backgrounds and interests.” (02:30)

The student culture at Whitman is diverse and inclusive, with people from different parts of the world coming together as one community. The vibrant campus life, including the popular basketball games at the JMA Wireless Dome, offers an exciting and engaging environment for students.

Abhishek adds, “I feel what makes the student culture at Whitman unique is the diversity. When people from different backgrounds come on campus, it’s all one campus, and everyone just bleeds orange.” (05:42)

Embrace networking early on to maximize your career opportunities

Besides Whitman’s diverse student body and experiential learning culture, Abhishek also credits his post-graduation success to other skill-building platforms at Whitman MBA as well as its location.

“The Syracuse network, learning opportunities, and location… are the things that make Syracuse University really unique,” he tells us. “Syracuse has a vast network of alumni that expands not just in New York State and nearby areas, but across the country.” (06:33)

Whitman’s strong alumni network offers students access to industry professionals and potential mentors. Alumni frequently participate in on-campus events, guest lectures, and networking sessions, providing valuable insights and advice to current students. However, it is important to note that it is up to you as an MBA student to take advantage of these great opportunities.

“This is something that I wish someone would have told me earlier in my career, but networking and relationship-building is critical to have a successful career in the US,” he tells us.” [The] Whitman MBA offers a platform to practice networking with alumni, other students, and the faculty, and these relationships can have a long-term impact on [your] career.” (08:02)

Even if you’re not pursuing an MBA specialized in marketing management, it is always important to embrace networking as early as you can in order to build a prosperous career!

The Whitman MBA program at Syracuse University offers a unique combination of experiential learning, networking opportunities, and diverse student culture. These factors, along with the strong alumni network make it an ideal choice.

Want to hear more about what it’s like to study at the Whitman School of Management? Reach out directly to a current or past student at Whitman to find out!