Tips for Your INSEAD MBA Application with Laura Freedman

Are you planning to pursue a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at INSEAD?

INSEAD alumna and admissions consultant at Access Education, Laura Freedman, offers insight into the program and the rigorous application process. Discover the qualities that make an INSEAD MBA candidate stand out, and common application mistakes to avoid. 

For those who may not know, INSEAD is an internationally renowned business school, with locations in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. It prides itself on its truly global approach to world-class business education. Their mission states, “INSEAD brings together people, cultures, and ideas to develop responsible leaders who transform business and society.”

They offer an accelerated 10-month MBA program with intakes in either January or August. The program is ideal for those who want to enter international leadership roles.

All of this sounds great. But you might be wondering, “Is it hard to get into the INSEAD MBA?”

The short answer is yes. However, by finding out what the INSEAD admission team is truly looking for, you will be able to present yourself in the best possible light.

 What Is the Ideal INSEAD MBA Candidate?

When applying for an MBA, it is important to keep several things in mind during the application process. For one, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to applying to a business school. Every school has a different ethos and attracts different candidates. By knowing what a school looks for in its applicants, you will have a better understanding of what to highlight in your application. 

The four main competencies INSEAD seeks are the ability to contribute, academic capacity, international motivation, and leadership potential. However, Laura says that while these are important factors, this list is not exhaustive. She gives some examples of other qualities that make an INSEAD MBA candidate stand out.

“A couple of things that I see, that aren’t necessarily obvious: one is very strong soft skills. INSEADers have a very high degree of self-awareness…very strong adaptability, and a very high degree of maturity.” (06:56

INSEAD also sees a good GMAT score as a strong indicator of a candidate’s ability to keep pace with their peers in an intensive and quantitatively rigorous program that requires a lot of reading and group work.

In addition to these skills, INSEAD MBA applicants should have “career agility…an ability to pivot.” (07:50)

INSEAD likes to see people who have demonstrated an ability to pivot and adapt. Candidates who can define their own learning objectives, go after them, and then challenge themselves with new career paths, are particularly appealing.

Additionally, drive and curiosity are appealing qualities in a candidate. Natural leadership skills are also a plus.

“The INSEADer tends to be someone who kind of reaches instinctively for those leadership opportunities.” (09:39)

All of these qualities and competencies are important to thrive in such an intensive MBA program amongst highly motivated peers.

An International Orientation

An international orientation is also very important in MBA applicants. She says, “The key thing to understand about INSEAD is that it’s not just international, it’s global.” (00:58

Many INSEAD students come from a dual-culture background or have experience living in cultures that are not their own. Although not everyone has the privilege to travel extensively, the ideal candidate is curious about the world around them.

INSEAD looks for those who can demonstrate an “international orientation or motivation and have developed some kind of track record in that space.” (11:32

Candidates should demonstrate an ability to work in an international setting. 

It is also important to note that there is a three-language requirement to be accepted into the program. This requires candidates to be fluent in English, and have a “practical level of knowledge” (B1) of a second language. The candidate should also demonstrate a “basic level of understanding” (A2) of a third language by the time of graduation.

Telling Your Story Authentically

INSEAD looks for students with a unique story. She says, “Everybody is really different and has their own interesting stories.” (06:45)

There will be several opportunities during the application process to share your story. You will share your story in written format in the online application via your application essay and supporting documentation. Also, be prepared to share your story verbally during the interviews.

It is important to have an understanding of your own story and be able to express how and why INSEAD’s MBA program is relevant to you. Being able to articulate why you are a good fit for INSEAD and why you would thrive in such a program is an advantage. This showcases self-reflection and insight to the admissions committee. 

She highlights, “It should be clear from your essay what it is that you are looking to do and why it is an MBA is going to help you get there.” (13:10

You should have a clear vision as to why you want to do an MBA and what an MBA can help you achieve

It is not only about being academically accomplished or a perfect candidate on paper. Showcasing your achievements without being able to demonstrate a coherent narrative or deeper motivation could have the opposite effect. 

“I think if you dangle shiny objects without meaning, that’s another thing that’s liable to end up being a mistake.” (20:10)

Finally, a common mistake that many applicants make is, “Telling them what you think they want to hear rather than understanding your story and telling it authentically.” (18:16)

To make your MBA application stand out, tell your story and highlight your achievements authentically. Showcase your enthusiastic interest in INSEAD and the MBA program and be specific about your goals. 

Do Your Homework and Be Prepared

Finally, do your homework. Inform yourself about INSEAD, how much the MBA program costs, the school’s mission, and the application process well in advance. 

In Laura’s eyes, a common pitfall is candidates who apply without doing their homework and without being well prepared. Take advantage of the many ways that you can learn about the program. That can mean networking with alumni, attending information sessions, one-on-one sessions with advisors, or visiting the campus. 

“There are lots of opportunities to connect with INSEAD, whether it’s reaching out to alumni, attending information sessions, you don’t have to go visit campus but there’s no excuse not to attend an information session.” (20:20

By truly understanding the core ethos of the school and the program, you place yourself in a better position during the application process. 

The INSEAD Experience: A Truly Inclusive and Diverse Environment

The benefit of having such an international and multicultural environment is that everyone feels included.

Those who have never truly fit in anywhere, who have essentially been outsiders, become insiders at INSEAD. With campuses in France, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States – INSEAD offers a truly global learning experience. 

“If you think that you might not fit in and you don’t think your achievements are good enough – you may be wrong,” Laura notes. (21:59)

Overall, INSEAD is looking for well-rounded, ambitious individuals who are excited about the prospect of studying in a global environment. 

Don’t let the selective admissions process scare you away. With these tips in mind, take a chance and write that amazing application, good luck!

Discover more about INSEAD and its programs.